Wednesday, October 31, 2012

taking time to make time

Today I'm wondering about the importance of mission-work in our lives.  After all, our dedication to others is a pretty good indicator of our own spiritual condition, most of the time.  I realize that not everyone 'ministers' with a pure heart, but I think that most of us do.  We want to do the best we can with our time here.  We want to "serve the Lord with gladness."  And as Jesus, himself, pointed out, we live out our devotion to Him and His glorious kingdom by serving others!

But, it sadly seems that the handful of true devotees is dwindling.  Day-by-day, the need grows greater, and day-by-day our resolve shrinks a little more.  "I'm just so busy," we lament.  "I have so much to do at work."  "I can't seem to get anything done when I am home, finally."  "I just can't spare the time."  We want to do good, but the enemy finds a hundred and one reasons why we should wait...ticktock...'you can do that later; after all, you've got your own worries'...ticktock...'let someone else do it this time; you've done enough'...ticktock...time keeps slipping away.  Somehow, we must return to the basic building block of our faith: love one another.  We simply must take time to make time!

We may not be able to do everything, but each of us can do something.  And 'something' in God's hands, done with a pure heart, turns into an example of His extravagant love for us.

I have always marveled at the fact that the followers of Christ were told to begin their work in Jerusalem, their home: they were eager to get out there and tell the world, but it was necessary for them to learn the truth about themselves: if you can't or won't begin at home with those who are nearest and dearest to you, then your witness, no matter how grand, is flawed and empty.  If those who know us best cannot determine a difference in our lives, because of our commitment to Jesus Christ, then we have a credibility problem.

We must begin at home.  It's so easy to talk-the-talk at church, but do we walk-the-walk when we return to our homes and workplaces?  I'm not suggesting that we are perfect and don't make mistakes or fall short.  Of course, we do.  But, I have learned that my family loves me no matter what happens.  They know how much the Lord in my life means to me, and they know that my desire is to walk out my faith, every day, by doing the little things that might make a difference.

Our first and most important mission field is the home and family.  These institutions were ordained of God.  Now is the time to wake up!  Now is the time to minister to those closet to us.  You may only be able to do a little: but if you take the time to make time, it will be much!

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