Thursday, February 10, 2011


In about three months, Jerry and I will celebrate our second anniversary; that's right, we're newlyweds!

In the early days of our courtship, Jerry and I spent hours 'talking.' We emailed, did instant-messaging, and sent text messages. You would have thought we were teenagers, and it was so much fun!

We both had accounts on MySpace (still do) and so I blogged there. Whenever I was working on a serious entry, Jerry would distract me with little notes and messages, and somehow it turned into a round-robin on the possible meaning of what we believed was an acronym: b-l-o-g.  I would write, in some form of 'conversation' my version of the meaning. Brown-Lacy-Old-Gown. That's all---just the four words. He might respond immediately, or it might be hours later. Baked-Lasagna-On-Grass! Out of the blue, four words would appear: Bats-Landing-On-Gates.

It was so much fun to think like a kid, just be silly for a minute. How we laughed! It must have been quite amusing to others, too. Here was a reasonably sane-looking, sixty-ish adult, reading something on their phone and then laughing hysterically! Who wouldn't? Boisterous-Laughing-Orange-Giraffes.

I was so happy to find someone with such a wonderful sense of humor. There's nothing wrong with being young-at-heart. Growing 'up' is entirely over-rated as far as I am concerned. Of course, we need to command the social graces, when the occasion demands it, but there's absolutely no reason to give up humor. Laughing is so contagious! And it has definite therapeutic advantages, as well. Bottled-Lime-Onion-Gravy.

Bonnets-Left-On-Grills. One thing happened, about the time that all this hilarity was going around, that truly blessed my heart. One of my daughters had come to visit, and when she got back home, she sent me a note thanking us for the great visit. Bunnies-Letting-Off-Gas. One of the things she said was this, "I had forgotten what a beautiful smile my mama has!" It was so good to be smiling again, to be happy, to be silly if I wanted to...and to realize that everyone knew I was happy. Brazen-Llamas-Ordering-Grapes.

Chili Davis is credited with the saying, "Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."  I agree.
Come to our porch. Sit a-spell. We'll drink coffee if it's cold outside, iced tea if it's hot. Bald-Looking-Ornery-Goats. We'll visit. Bucking-Lopsided-Oily-Gerbils. And...

We'll laugh. Biscuit-Licking-Oven-Glove!

1 comment:

  1. Belly-Laugh-Over-Girdles!
    Good job! I love it!
    I wondered why you weren't blogging right before you sent me that message on facebook.
    love ya much!!!!!
