Thursday, September 18, 2014

don't hurry to worry

Early this morning (maybe it's because it's Throwback-Thursday) a praise chorus popped into my head...and just stayed there.  I haven't really thought about this particular one in years.

It's a scripture-praise that was taken from Isaiah 28:16. 
"Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold
I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone
a tried stone,
a precious corner stone,
a sure foundation:
he that believeth shall not make haste."

Do you remember it?  As I recall, the music was quite like a Jewish dance tune...upbeat and stirring. It made you want to get up on your feet and at least tap your toe!  At any rate, you simply cannot sing this chorus while sitting begs you to get on your feet, clap your hands for joy, and let your happy be LOUD!

So, round and round it goes, and now I'm humming happily along, singing in my heart and letting the words register in my brain.

I wanted to share what some scholars have to say about this passage. 
The Ryrie Study Bible, Expanded Edition, NIV, includes this note...
"Messiah is a foundation stone in His atonement, a tested stone in His temptations, and a precious cornerstone in His relationship to His people."

Jesus is our foundation.  He is the foundation of His Church.  He is the foundation of Israel, their promised and long-awaited Messiah!  In short, Jesus is simply everything...everything that we will ever need in this life and the one to come, He has already provided.  Isn't that wonderful?!  There is nothing that we need that He is not aware of.  There is nothing that we need that He would refuse us.  (see Matt. 7: 7-11)

I am rejoicing in those precious promises today, as I hum along right through the cares and worries that are competing for my attention.  And I am especially rejoicing in the last line of that little praise chorus...
"he that believeth shall not make haste."  Now, when you extrapolate that phrase, it basically translates:
"he that trusts in God will not be dismayed/disappointed."  And that little word "dismayed" means deprived of your POWER!  Oh, yes, sweet friend, there is power in the name of Jesus!  There is power to break every chain, in every area of our lives.  There is power to elevate us up to where we belong...walking on sunshine once again!

So, there you have it.  Put your trust in the foundation that holds you up, and never hurry to worry!

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