Monday, June 15, 2015

drifting farther away

It sounds like a wonderful idea...drifting along a slow current, on a lazy day...not too hot outside, with just a gentle breeze...until you realize just how far you have drifted from the shore. That moment when it becomes clear that you've got to row all the way back, suddenly snaps you into reality.  The daydreaming is over; it wasn't so much fun after all.  There have been times in my life that I have been caught-up in this "drift-along" effect, only to be startled into the real world again.  There is one particular area that disturbs me greatly.  It's an epidemic that is sweeping Christ's universal church.  We are losing sight of the shoreline while we casually drift along, "merrily, merrily, merrily, is but a dream."  Our focus has dimmed and our determination has clouded.

I am talking about how far we have drifted from worshiping our great God.  From the early days, thousands of years ago, when He revealed Himself to His chosen people, He has demanded worship from us.  And reasonably so, for a god ceases to be a god when he is not worshiped and revered.  To explain it another way:  Buddha is not a god to me, personally, because I choose to not worship him.  Without worship, he will never attain the status of a god figure at any level on my part.

Since I have chosen Jesus Christ, God incarnate, to be the object of my affection, it is easy to worship and adore Him.  He is my God.  I remember well, how exciting it was to go into "big" church and take part in the worship service.  Even as a young child, I knew there was something very special about what went on in the sanctuary.  But, as I got older, I also realized that we were locked into the "order of worship."  I even remember the first time that I had an occasion to actually stand in the pulpit and look out over the sea of faces in the pews.  The first thing that I noticed was that there was a big clock on the opposite wall, facing the pulpit, ticking down the minutes...hurry, hurry, must not run over.  I have even seen the minister actually remove his own watch and set it up on the pulpit so he could monitor the time he was taking.  Mustn't run over...people are getting restless...short altar call.  The Order of Worship is more sacred than our resolve to bring a true offering of thanksgiving.  How far we are drifting away...

Think about it.  When was the last time you were invited to sing the third verse of any hymn?  It's usually the first, second, and last.  Shaving off a minute or two...keeping the order of worship on schedule.
Or, when was the last time, you were encouraged to remain still for a few moments and just allow the Holy Spirit to wash over you with His great power of regeneration?  How far we are drifting away...

Now I am not saying that we should throw caution to the wind, and become reckless with anything so holy as adoration and praise of our loving God.  I am just suggesting that maybe, because the powers that be insist on getting out on time, just maybe we should be spending a lot more time at home, in our secret place communing with God on a personal level.  Such a practice will never be time-wasted.  In fact, I have discovered that the more time I offer Him in the morning, the slower the clock runs.  It is as if time stands still for those minutes.  I am always refreshed and renewed and ready for the day.  There is a song in my heart, and even when it gets stuck in my brain and plays over and over again, all day long, I know that the Father is well-pleased, for He is jealous of my affection.

"Thou shalt worship no other God, for the Lord is a jealous God."  Exodus 20:14.

As we begin another work-week, plunging headlong into the abyss of the rat-race, may we pause and purposefully take inventory of our personal worship habits and strategies.  Whenever we make the time to "enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, and His courts with praise..." we immediately step into a higher place...far from the madding crowd, as it were.

We are transported into His presence where the light of His holiness drives away all the darkness and shadows that are pursuing us. And that light becomes our beacon for the day. Nothing, nothing at all can separate us from His powerful love. We are born anew, refreshed and encouraged from His nearness.

Yes, as we begin a new week of work...take time to work on your personal relationship with your heavenly Father.

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