Friday, April 25, 2014


I am often amused when I hear young parents say to their little ones, "You need to act your age!"  Being pretty good at estimating the ages of small children, I would guess that they are acting their age...exactly.

Children, after all, are not miniature adults...they are children.  And childhood should be fun, exciting, full of wonder.  Of course, it is a time for growing, as well.  And they will, in due time.  In the meantime, let them be children.

As the beloved children of God, we are afforded a reasonable time for growth and maturation in the faith.  And then, at some point, we are expected to start growing up in that faith.  Peter put it this way, "Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.  Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good." (I Peter 2:1-2)  It's okay to start out as a baby...we all do, but we should be growing along the way.  If we have not put aside those things that are harmful to us, that Peter mentioned, we are not growing quickly enough.  We are not acting our spiritual age.

Sometimes, we simply slip and fall back into an old way of doing things...B.R.  Before Redemption.  But, with the Holy Spirit to quicken us, we cannot stay in that state or condition for very long.  It's just too miserable.  Like a baby who is ready for solid food, nothing else, not all the milk in the world, will satisfy that hunger.  We have to get back to the table, where the good food is spread before us.  Peter listed the things that stint our growth.  And I might add that his is a short list, but still it encompasses major categories.

So how will we know when we are ready to grow-up spiritually?  Well, I think I might know the answer to that inquiry.  Mama had a phrase that she used when she was attempting to make that very point.  No longer did she say that I needed to act my age.  Instead, she said (calmly, but firmly) six little words that stung like a wasp on sun-burned skin.  "You're old enough to know better."

I think that is exactly what Jesus whispers to me, "Don't do that. You're old enough to know better. Don't say's unkind, and you're old enough to know better."  What He is telling me is this:  I don't need to be concerned with what others are doing and saying.  I am at a place in His mercy and grace that I know better.  I have experienced the depth of His unfailing love time and time again, and I'm too big now, to act like a fool.  We will always be growing in grace.  And that maturity must be evident in our daily choices, if Christ is to be glorified through us.

We can start out thing at a time.  For example, let's begin to really think about what we say.  The 2/3 Rule is a good measuring tool.  Just before blurting something out, take a moment to examine it by these standards...
1) Is it true?
2) Is it kind?
3) Is it necessary?
If it doesn't meet the 2/3 rule (two of the three should easily apply), then DON'T SAY IT!! Why? Because, you're old enough (in Christ) to know better!

Achieving spiritual maturity in a godless world will never be easy.  These days we are concerned with everybody's rights except God's. (paraphrased from a quote by Dr. Billy Graham) He has the right to expect the redeemed to behave accordingly.  We are not under the curse of the law any longer; we have chosen to live by a higher standard...the standard of Love, and it's time to grow up.

After all, we're old enough to know better, so let's start acting our age!

1 comment:

  1. I love it, Mommie! I have actually been working on this lately. Sometimes I am kinda ugly....
    Love you!
