Wednesday, March 27, 2013

i know what it is

Every classroom teacher could write volumes on the unorthodox words/actions of her students.  Some of the things they do are thought-provoking, a few are downright bizarre, but I think, most of the unusual situations that occur are just plain humorous.

For example, one year as I stood at the door of the classroom, greeting students as they arrived, I could never have imagined what would happen in the next minute!  As he walked past me, one fifth-grader suddenly sniffed the air.
"What's that smell?" he demanded.
I asked, "Is it a good smell or a bad smell?"
"It smells like perfume!" he responded.
I extended my arm, wrist up, and asked, "Is this it?"
He sniffed. "YES!" he shouted, "What IS THAT?"
I suppressed a giggle and replied, "That's 'Passion.' My perfume is called 'PASSION.'
His face lit up and he continued to his desk; smiling dreamily, he added, "I LIKE 'PASSION.""

Recalling that incident recently, I had to smile. Then I thought of something else:

If Jesus has a favorite perfume, I think I know what it is!  It could very easily be called 'PASSION.'
The fragrance, coming from us, that would be the most pleasant to Him, would be the sweet, crisp scent of our passion for Him in our lives!  Daily being passionate for His presence, desperate for His love and mercy.  So passionate for Him that we could never be content to make a single move without His smiling nod of approval.  "I LIKE PASSION!" I can hear Him shout!  "Look at the way my people adore me! How sweet is their fragrance!"  "How could I not bless them today?!"

Indeed!  How could He not?!  We already know that the aroma of our sacrificial prayers for one another stir Him to action. (Ps. 141:2, I Tim. 2: 1-6, Phil. 4:18)  And that's when we are requesting His assistance, guidance, and provision.  How elated He must be when we simply love Him!  The very fragrance of our PASSION should fill heaven's halls with a glory that outshines even the sweetest flowers that we could bring and lay at His feet.

This week, throughout the Christian world, we celebrate Passion Week.  Referring to the Passion of Christ, for His church, that caused Him to give all He had for her, we honor Him with reverential thankfulness for that supreme sacrifice.  In return, we offer up ourselves that He might live again, in and through us.  What would happen if we kept it simple this year?  What if we didn't purchase that new outfit or shoes, and instead gave that money to the local homeless shelter?  What would happen if we thought of others first, just like Jesus did, and worshiped Him in spirit and TRUTH?!  Would that not be the sweetest aroma in His nostrils: the scent of our deliberate PASSION for Him, just Him.  It's just a thought, but I LIKE PASSION!!

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