Friends don't let friends drive drunk! I'm sure everyone knows this slogan. It's used nationally to promote awareness concerning the deathly dangers involved with drunk driving, And it seems to be working. More and more people are choosing a 'designated' driver when they go out with plans to consume alcoholic beverages during the evening. That's good news...because, friends don't let friends drive drunk.
Additionally, responsible hosts are collecting keys at the door when hosting a party where they are serving alcohol. No one too drunk to drive home safely ('safely' equals bringing no harm to yourself, others, or property) is allowed to have their keys back. The host finds another way to get the inebriated guest home safely. Why go to all the trouble? Because, friends don't let friends drive drunk.
What I like best about this way of thinking is that it forces us to consider our friends and their well-being.
I wonder if we could take it another step. For example, more recently there has been a more-or-less united effort to end bullying. We say, "Stop Bullying!" But, sadly, that is often exactly where it stops. Nothing else happens. Imagine the difference if we treated bullying on the same level as excess drinking, bringing it to a more personal level when we say, "Friends don't let friends get bullied." And conversely, friends don't let friends BECOME bullies! Maybe that's the whole problem...maybe people don't have any real friends anymore. Well, I do. I have a "friend that sticketh closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24)
I still remember, from Sunday School, the little song we used to sing: "My best friend is I love Him!" It may seem like childish lyrics, but it has proven to be true too many times in my life. He's the best friend EVER! We're 'blood brothers!" He shed His blood, I dipped myself in it, and now we keep covenant together. He stops me from doing a lot of things that might be detrimental to my well-being...physical, mental, or spiritual well-being. Friends don't let friends _______ .
He declared us to be His personal friends. (John 15:15 go ahead, re-read the entire's still thrilling) Let His words in verses 12 & 13 rekindle the flame in your heart. "This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." And there it is...the ultimate declaration regarding true friendship: Friends don't let friends go to hell!
Jesus once said, "Don't say, 'there are still four months until harvesting time.' Look around you! The fields are ripe and ready now!" I believe that. Now is the time to get serious about your family and friends. If there is someone you want to see again, in heaven, then make sure that they get there. Friends don't let friends go to hell. Pure and simple. Now is the time to redouble your efforts on their behalf. Pray like you've never prayed before that the Spirit of the Risen Lord will move on their hearts before it's too late. Friends don't let friends go to hell!
And don't go all righteous on me here, either. It's not 'judging' when the Lord puts someone on your heart who needs intercession and intervention! We don't mind to intervene when we think they could be too drunk to drive...then we shouldn't mind to intervene when we think they are headed for serious trouble, spiritually.
It's up to still have a choice, free-will, but as for me, I intend to make as sure as I possibly can that everyone I care about is going to see me again in our heavenly home. I just wouldn't be a true friend otherwise!
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