Wednesday, October 31, 2012

taking time to make time

Today I'm wondering about the importance of mission-work in our lives.  After all, our dedication to others is a pretty good indicator of our own spiritual condition, most of the time.  I realize that not everyone 'ministers' with a pure heart, but I think that most of us do.  We want to do the best we can with our time here.  We want to "serve the Lord with gladness."  And as Jesus, himself, pointed out, we live out our devotion to Him and His glorious kingdom by serving others!

But, it sadly seems that the handful of true devotees is dwindling.  Day-by-day, the need grows greater, and day-by-day our resolve shrinks a little more.  "I'm just so busy," we lament.  "I have so much to do at work."  "I can't seem to get anything done when I am home, finally."  "I just can't spare the time."  We want to do good, but the enemy finds a hundred and one reasons why we should wait...ticktock...'you can do that later; after all, you've got your own worries'...ticktock...'let someone else do it this time; you've done enough'...ticktock...time keeps slipping away.  Somehow, we must return to the basic building block of our faith: love one another.  We simply must take time to make time!

We may not be able to do everything, but each of us can do something.  And 'something' in God's hands, done with a pure heart, turns into an example of His extravagant love for us.

I have always marveled at the fact that the followers of Christ were told to begin their work in Jerusalem, their home: they were eager to get out there and tell the world, but it was necessary for them to learn the truth about themselves: if you can't or won't begin at home with those who are nearest and dearest to you, then your witness, no matter how grand, is flawed and empty.  If those who know us best cannot determine a difference in our lives, because of our commitment to Jesus Christ, then we have a credibility problem.

We must begin at home.  It's so easy to talk-the-talk at church, but do we walk-the-walk when we return to our homes and workplaces?  I'm not suggesting that we are perfect and don't make mistakes or fall short.  Of course, we do.  But, I have learned that my family loves me no matter what happens.  They know how much the Lord in my life means to me, and they know that my desire is to walk out my faith, every day, by doing the little things that might make a difference.

Our first and most important mission field is the home and family.  These institutions were ordained of God.  Now is the time to wake up!  Now is the time to minister to those closet to us.  You may only be able to do a little: but if you take the time to make time, it will be much!

Monday, October 29, 2012

i'm adopted, and i'm okay

Recently I mentioned my maternal grandfather in a post (bring a torch) and since then I have been thinking about him quite a bit.  Grandpa Robert was adopted.  My great grandparents were childless, but they didn't accept that.  They chose to be parents...through adoption.  I am so grateful that they made that decision; I wouldn't be here otherwise!

He passed away when I was only four, so I never heard from him his own feelings on the subject.  I have the honor of possessing that cherished document, however, and I have read it more than once.  His adoption 'papers' are now more than one hundred years old, and must be handled with care, for they represent not only him, but my mother, myself, my children, my grandchildren, and that one precious great grand!  It's certain that none of us would be here at all if he had not first been adopted. 

Dropped off at a Montana state orphanage when he was barely four years old, he knew nothing of where he came from.  His adopting parents knew nothing of his past; and they would have ignored it anyway.  Their desire to bring him into their lives forever outweighed any knowledge of where he'd come from.  It simply didn't matter.  He belonged to them now.  He was a Colton.

I'm actually adopted, too.  I have a heavenly Father and when he saw my miserable condition, it did not matter to Him where I'd been or what I'd done; He only knew that His desire to bring me into His dear family was greater than the sum of any knowledge of my past!

Consider Paul's message in Romans 8:14-17.
" 14) For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 
  15) For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, 'Abba, Father.'
  16) The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
  17) And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together."
Can it be any plainer?

To complete the adoption process, there are legal fees that must be paid.  My debt was stamped PAID-IN-FULL the very instant that Jesus breathed the words..."It is finished."  That was hundreds of years before I was even born.  All that was left for me to do was accept His generous offer, and when the time came, I did exactly that.  If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, too, the debt was paid.

It simply doesn't matter where you're from or what you've done; His love is greater, always was...always is...always will be!  And since we are sons now, we are joint-heirs with Jesus!  Think about all that means!  It truly overwhelms me at times.  Jesus was there first.  He knows first-hand what pleases the Father, and unlike some human siblings, He's not jealous of us.  Instead, He shares what He knows that we might learn quickly:  (Matthew 8:44-45a)
" 44) But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
 45) That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven..."

That, my friends, is a clause from our adoption papers!  If you want everyone to know who your Father is, then show it!  Be like Jesus, who was the first-born of many!  Yes, I'm adopted, and I'm okay with that!

Friday, October 26, 2012

bring a torch

I really don't remember my maternal grandfather; he passed away when I was only four years old.  There remain a few pictures of him, but one of my favorites is the one where he is holding me on his lap and we are both laughing.  I don't recall the moment or what was so funny to us, but I like that we are happy.  As I got older, I would ask my mom about him.  Being his only child, she was absolutely the apple of his eye, and she enjoyed sharing her memories.  At one point, for no particular reason, she shared that his favorite Christmas carol was, "Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella."  Now granted, this is not a song that we hear very often.  Even if they are familiar with the title, most people couldn't tell you the first line.  In a nutshell, the little girl is told to bring a torch and to the stable swiftly see the beautiful baby in the manger.

This French carol was written over four-hundred-fifty years ago, but I like it, probably because my grandfather liked it, but nevertheless.  Manheim Steamroller has produced a beautiful instrumental version, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir presents a beautiful 'performance,' as well.  I digress.

For the time being, I am concentrating on the torch.  Torches were used for light.  The best way to illumine a stable (probably more of a cave) in those days was by the light of a torch.  Much more efficient than a small lantern, a torch could throw light into every nook.  And a little bit of light goes a long way to clarify things!

Steve and Annie Chapman performed her song, "The Secret Place," decades ago.  You might remember it:
"My heart is like a house; one day I let the Savior in. There are many rooms where we would visit now and then. But, then one day He saw that door; I knew the day had come to soon. I said, "Jesus, I'm not ready for us to visit in that room." But, He handed me the key, tears of love on His face. He said, "I want to make you clean; let me go in that secret place." So we opened up and door and the two of us walked in. I was so ashamed; His light revealed my hidden sin..." 

As you can imagine, there is a beautiful conclusion...only when there is enough LIGHT on the subject, can we truly see things as they are, including our own hearts.  We store up little hurts and injuries and shove them in the corners where we don't have to deal with them, but after all, the heart is not much different from any container; if it is being filled with one thing, there isn't much room for anything else.  Somewhere, sometime, we were sadly misinformed.  We somehow got the idea that everything was about us!  Jesus taught me many years ago that it wasn't about ME!  In fact, the only 'me' that I know of is in Messiah!  It's about Him!  Our lives present a wonderful opportunity for Him to live again.  His very nature becomes who we are.  (Note to self: it's time to re-read "New Creation Realities," by E.W. Kenyon.) Christ lived to die...for us.  He was resurrected from the grave to live again.  He rose to heaven to release His Spirit to find a permanent home in our's all about Him.

Maybe it's time to bring a torch and run to our hearts and look in every corner.  Sweeping widely, allow the light to touch everything there.  Take a good look around.  Toss out everything that is contrary to Christ and His message.  That's the only way to make room for more of Him!  Take 'me' out of the center and put Him back on the throne.  Only then will there be enough light to shine on someone's darkest hour, bringing hope and the love of God that He "shed abroad in our hearts."

Bring a torch...and SHINE ON! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

learning to count...again

Most parents try to help their children get a head-start, of sorts, on the basics...they teach them to recite the alphabet and are extremely proud to proclaim, "He can count to ten now."  I'll be honest; I did that, too.  At least until I became a teacher myself.  Then I learned the awful truth: "one, two, three, four," is worth nothing at all as mere words.  You must be able to associate a value with the 'word.'  Alas, let the 're-teaching' begin.

Recently, I have been learning to count all over again, associating value with each word.  It all started when I was reading what James had to say about difficult times and how, as God's children, we are to handle them.  Just about everyone is familiar with the opening remarks of his epistle..."My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."  Now that's an eye-opening way to begin a letter!  But, we must remember the times that James lived in.  If you think Christians are hated around the world today, you are right...but when James was proclaiming his alliance with Christ, it was a death sentence.  It would have been much easier to throw up your hands and say, "this is SO NOT WORTH IT!" and go back to dancing in the groves with the pagans.  And there's the kicker...every one who knew Christ, walked with Him, talked with Him...knew that it WAS worth all the tribulation and fiery trials that came with the friendship.  WOW!  Pause and think of that...we are friends with God!

Let's face it: we're just not any good when it comes to trial and tribulation in our lives.  We'd much rather have a rosy morning when we wake up each day.  But, as Lynn Anderson sang, "I beg your pardon! I never promised you a rose garden!"  In fact, quite the opposite.  I seem to recall the time when Jesus issued a sincere warning, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in ME ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: BUT be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) And we all know a little something about that tribulation He spoke of.  Often, our favorite response to trying situations (often beyond our control) is, "Why me?"  (By the way, if you've never watched "Last Holiday" with Queen Latifah, you should! Georgia Byrd knows something about, "Why me?")

Most likely, our response turns into a lament, "What am I doing wrong?"  The answer to that may be more apparent than you first thought.  Let's take another look at what James had to say, only this time, let's look at it from a different angle.  The Message Bible puts it this way:   (James 1:2-8)

"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get His help and not be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who "worry their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open."

So, here I am, waking up every morning to so much pain that I wonder if I will be able to get out of bed at all.  One!  Thank you, dear Father, for such a comfortable bed to rest in.  Two!  Thank you for the promise that you'd never leave me or forsake me.  Three!  Thank you for teaching me that I must not 'forget to remember' those around me who are suffering.  Four!  Thank you for renewing my spirit, charging me with fresh physical strength, calm emotions, and a quiet heart!

Yes, I'm learning that everyone is going through something!  Everyone needs hope and reassurance in these troubling times.  I'm learning to count on Jesus!

As Isaiah said, so very long ago," "Here am I; send me." (Is. 6:8) Or, as Doc Holiday might have said, "I'm your huckleberry!"  Yes, Lord, you can count on me.

Monday, October 22, 2012

monday, monday...can't trust that day

Monday!  By definition, it's "the day between Sunday and Tuesday." (duh!)  Traditionally, it is the beginning of the 'work' week for most of us.  Usually, we have enjoyed a couple of days that we were not required to punch a time clock.  Whether you work outside the home or not, Monday often brings changes.

But, wait!  Maybe it is the other way around.  Maybe Monday is actually the return to normalcy...where we can depend on the schedule, we know what's expected of us.  The weekend, on the other hand, is often filled with an abnormal list of things to do, and no two Saturday-Sunday combos seem to be the same.

Poor little always takes the blame for ruining the weekend!  Even in our music culture, it is defined as a real downer.  According to Wikipedia, "A number of songs feature Monday, often as a day of depression, anxiety, or melancholy. For example, "Monday, Monday" (1966) from the Mamas & the Papas, "Rainy Days and Mondays" (1971) from the Carpenters, "I Don't Like Mondays" (1979) from the Boomtown Rats, and "Manic Monday" (1986) from the Bangles."

Yes, poor little Monday.  And why should it be the scapegoat?  You don't hear anyone complaining about Fridays.  If we took the attitude we have on Monday and applied it to Friday instead, we could sit around and complain that for the next two days we won't receive any wages from all the work we do.  Yes, I'm being sarcastic!

I used to dislike Mondays, just like everyone else around me, and then God showed me what a glorious day Monday really was.  Sunday is the first day of the week.  It was created to be a day of rest, but it's usually anything but that.  I remember all-too-well the crazy pace of Sundays.  Just to get everyone up and ready for church on time was a chore.  Church attendance is intended to refresh and renew, but to a harried young woman with toddlers in tow, it can be anything but that.  To the unemployed father, it often becomes a place to sit still while you worry.  To those who no longer attend worship services, it is a day for other busyness.  No wonder we dislike Monday when it comes.  We haven't sufficiently recovered from the last week and here it is time to begin a new one.  Wait a minute...maybe we could do that...see Monday as the first day to start over, to begin again, with a fresh outlook.   Perhaps Sunday could be the day that our soul finds rest, rest enough to rejoice that Monday was coming, and our opportunities to be a blessing to others were coming with it!

Yes, rest on Sunday.  Rest your tired body, rest your weary mind, rest your heavy heart.  Rest, because you will need to be at your best when the day dawns on Monday...the turning of a page...this is the first day of the rest of your life...thank God for another chance to get it right!

Friday, October 19, 2012

hanging on by a thread

Have you ever noticed that when a person asks you, "How are you doing?" they really don't want to know how things are with you?  They are just being polite or merely making conversation.  I know this is true for me sometimes.  I feel like I must ask the question, but I really don't want to know the answer.  For example, when it comes to some of my older relatives, if you ask how they are doing you are going to get a detailed report on everything from current medications to bowel movements.  Then, you're trapped.  All you can do is nod and smile sympathetically.  If that sounds petty, don't be too hard on me...just nod and smile sympathetically!

When asked, "How are you doing?" I can remember hearing folks say, "Oh, I'm hanging on by a thread."  As a child, I wondered about does one hang on 'by a thread'?  Isn't that a bit of a thin substance to be clinging to?  And, just exactly 'what' are they hanging on to?  You can imagine the confusion that statement might cause a seven-year-old.  I've lived six decades now, and I'm still not certain that I know what it means, but I have a pretty good idea!

It's right up there with, "I've got one nerve left and you're on it!" or, "I'm at my wit's end."  Strange sayings, but we've all been there.  It's the point where we're so beat down by one thing or another that we're just too tired to keep going.  We need some relief.  As for me, when I find myself overwhelmed by the circumstances beyond my control, it is usually because I've drifted off-center.  I've (temporarily) left my 'first' love.  That's right: I've left God out of the equation, and by doing so, I've changed the possible solution to the problem, but even my darkest hour, my sweet Shepherd is there to rescue me, once again, and bring me safely home.  Jesus has a love for us that we simply cannot fully comprehend.  He feels e-v-e-r-y thing that we feel.  He, alone. knows the depth of the pain we're going through.  He REALLY wants to know how we're doing, and He wants to help.

This week, I have actually enjoyed an 'ear-worm' that has embedded itself in my brain.  "Hold Us Together" was written by Matt Maher and Steve Wilson.  You've just got to hear it.  It's on Matt's CD, "Alive Again."
(OH, and listen to "Christ Is Risen" too.  It's great.)

When Matt sings "Hold Us Together," you can just tell that he knows something about "hanging on by a thread."  He's been there.  Listen to the words:

"It don't have a don't pay your bills...won't buy you a home in Beverly Hills.
Won't fix your life in five easy steps...ain't the law of the land...or the government."
"But, it's all you need,
"It's waiting for you...knocking at your the moment of truth...
When your heart hits the floor...and you're on your knees..."
"This is the first day of the rest of your life! This is the first day of the rest of your life!"
"'Cause even in the dark, you can still see the light...It's gonna be's gonna be alright"

It's true: the love of God will always hold us together.  It compels us to be our brother's keeper and help one another to weather the storms of life.  Let's resolve to actually listen when someone is telling us what's going on in their lives...and then nod and, smiling sympathetically, ask, "What can I do to help?"  Love will make a way to make it happen!  Love is the thread that will hold us together.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

too much

I think it was Mae West who made famous the line, "Too much of a good thing is...wonderful!"  Since "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning," (James 1:17) I'd have to agree.  Too much of anything from God is...WONDERFUL!

Think about it: you can't have too much love.  Love is powerful; it moves us to do certain things we might not otherwise even consider.  Not bad things, things like laying down your own life for another.  Who among us would not die in place of our own dear children, if it were necessary?  And even when our love is rejected by the recipient, it should not diminish our abundant supply of love (which comes directly from the Father, who IS love).  It's just a matter of time until that wound heals, and we live to love again.  After all, "love wasn't put in your heart to stay; love isn't love until you give it away."  Too much love?!  That's ridiculous.

What about kindness?  Can we ever be too kind to one another?  As Ralph Waldo Emerson observed,  "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late."  Listen to the Holy Spirit.  Listen prayerfully and carefully and you will hear that still, small voice..."give this one a call, stop by to see her, drop him a note (oh, and tuck in a ten-dollar-bill), smile at the next person you see, allow that haggard mom with three kids in tow to have your place in line, tip that server generously (I promised them I'd show up today for a very specific need), and on and on it goes.  There is no end to the ways we can show a kindness in His name.  IF we truly are His people and His sanctuary is in us, then we should be overjoyed when an opportunity arises to be His hands and feet in this weary world.  Too much kindness?!  That's absurd.

What about faith?  Could you have too much faith?  How would that be possible?  If we really cultivated our faith in God's ability to change things, I wonder what could really be accomplished on this earth, in His name.

By now, hopefully, you see where I'm headed with this...I'm simply considering what it would be like to have an abundance of fruit, fruit of the Spirit!  Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness (kindness), faith, meekness, and self-control. (see Gal. 5:22)

We make a bigger deal of our Fruit-of-the-Loom underwear than we do the blessed gift of the fruit of the Spirit!  Go ahead...let yourself go...get a little fruity today.  After all, too much of a good thing is...WONDERFUL!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

flippin' flapjacks

Flapjacks, griddle cakes, hotcakes, matter what you call them, everyone knows what you mean when you say the word.  A steaming stack with butter and syrup says, "You're home," to many of us.  It doesn't matter so much what's in them or on them that makes them great, but there is a cooking secret that makes all the difference in the world.  After you pour the batter on the hot surface, you only flip the pancake once!  That's simple, yet often ignored.  You see, if you keep turning it, it's not so fluffy anymore, and even becomes tough or rubbery.  So, there you have it.  Flip it once!

I made pancakes this morning, so naturally...that got me to thinking...

Have you ever known someone with a 'dry' sense of humor?  I was an adult before I really understood what that meant.  Apparently, it means that the person delivering the remark may not be very sensitive to other people's feelings.  Often they blurt something out that seems sarcastic at the least and downright mean at the most.  Now they may not have intended to come across as they did, but nevertheless, the words stung when they hit their mark.  As everyone stares incredulously at the speaker, they simply shrug and ask, "What? What did I say?"  And even if we find the gumption to ask, "What did you mean by that?" they always say, "Nothing."

Most of us have known someone who might fit in this category: not a mean person at all, it's just the words that come out of their mouths.  You never know how to respond.  In my lifetime I have been subjected to this personality characteristic way too many times.   But, I am learning to apply the "pancake flipping" technique.  Even when I suspect that this person is just trying to get me riled up, I turn it over once, in my mind, and call it done!

Almost every day, we can allow ourselves to become offended.  The option will be out there.  We must learn to flip the thing over and be done with it.  Thinking about it only makes it worse, and then we risk putting ourselves in a place that might block the blessings of God, temporarily, in our own lives. 

"Words can't hurt you," Mama said.  But, sadly, she was wrong.  Words can hurt.  Words do hurt.  But, the healing begins immediately, if we want it to.  It takes practice, but we can learn to live so that we are not easily offended by the words carelessly spoken by those around us.

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm debating on that...

With all the recent chatter surrounding the election debates, I often wonder if we remember what debating really is.  Well, if I remember correctly, debating is arguing...persuasive arguing.  Make no mistake about it, persuasive arguing is an art; it's been going on since the beginning of time.

So, while I hear a lot of arguing between the candidates, neither side has persuaded me on much of anything.

And that got me to thinking...

Perhaps the greatest debate ever waged was between the enemy of our souls and the redeemer of them...Satan V Jesus.

The first battleground was a garden, a little piece of heaven-on-earth, Eden.  In Genesis, Chapter three, the scene for this great debate is set...

The enemy, disguised as a serpent (go figure), begins a conversation with Eve.

S:  "Didn't God say you could have everything in the garden?"
E:  "Well, yes, He did...EXCEPT...the fruit of the tree that grows in the midst of the garden."
S:  "Really? That tree? And I'll bet He even said you'd die if you ate it."
E:  "Well, yes, He did."
S:  "He's lying! You won't die! You'll be like Him. That's why He doesn't want you to have it."

Checkmate!  He persuaded her, and acting on that persuasion, one single act caused the separation of man from his Holy Creator.  What a dark day that became.

And the darkness continued.  Through the ages, God continued to strive with man, trying to win him back again.  But, He was only partially successful...we had been persuaded that we could do it on our own.  We came back to Him from time to time, but the enemy's argument was laced with promises of self-fulfillment, fortune, and fame, and sadly...time and time again...we were persuaded.  He left no life untouched with his carefully crafted argument.

Even Jesus was subject to it...He was led into the wilderness by the Spirit of God precisely to be tempted of the devil (to prove to us that we could withstand the enemy's lies).  See Matthew 4.

S:  "You must be hungry. How long has it been since you had anything to eat...forty days?  Well, IF you ARE really who you say you are, then why not command these rocks to become fresh-baked bread for you?"
J:  "Oh, no need. This physical body is just a temporal thing.  We're better off to be concerned with the spirit of man, which lives forever."
The enemy sees that he has not been persuasive enough...he tries something else.  Suddenly Jesus finds Himself on the top of the temple in Jerusalem.
S:  "Let's see here. I believe that the only way down is to fly! Go ahead, jump off! God won't let you fall. The angels will come and catch you."
J:  "Why would I do something so foolish? It's not right to try and force God into a situation to prove Who He is."
Again, Jesus is whisked away, this time to the top of a very high mountain.
S:  "Look around you. You can see the whole world from here. Bow down and worship me, and it's all yours."
J:  "Man was made to worship and love God...there's only one God...and you-are-not-Him!"
Verse 11 sums it up: "The devil left Him."  He could not persuade Him.  Satan's argument was full of flaws.

This all took place, but the decisive battle was yet to be waged.  On an old rugged cross, God won the argument once and for all (that is, for all mankind) when death and the grave were dealt the final blow.
Every day, we are faced with decisions, and while they may not determine the eternal destiny of our souls, they will impact our lives and the lives of those around us.  As long as the sun rises, the enemy will show up to try and persuade us to let go of God and go our own way.  But, as then, his argument is full of flaws.  Do not be persuaded.  Listen to the voice of Jesus whisper, "You are not alone. I am here, right now, with you. Trust me. There is a better plan for your life. True peace will come to you the moment you come to Me. Don't be moved by what you see. Everything is under control. Keep on believing."

The final conclusion is simple: The voice that I LISTEN to is the one that will persuade me. I will hear both sides, I'm sure, but I'm only going to listen to one!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

cleaning out the Frigidaire

I like a tidy house. I can endure clutter, but only if it's 'organized' clutter! I wish I had someone to come in and clean for me, though, because I I get older...that I am beginning to experience some limitations, especially in the area of climbing up and down the little step-ladder for the chores that I cannot otherwise reach.

I even have a neat little rotating system for the refrigerator which keeps it full of good, fresh food...unless, of course, I forget to toss something that I should have!  I think we've all experienced opening that little butter bowl, that we knew was not-butter-but-couldn't-remember-what-it-was, only to find the makings of a terrific science project concerning the various stages of mold!

When I was younger, 'much younger than I am today,' I can recall that the older ladies all called this marvelous kitchen appliance their "Frigidaire."  And indeed it produced near frigid air to keep food cold and fresh so that it would last longer.  The era of the SuperMarket had dawned, and we no longer needed to go to the store every single day to pick up fresh meat and vegetables for our families.  But, even if it could make the food last longer, you couldn't keep it in there forever.  Left-overs needed to appear in some other form a day or two later.  Food had to be rotated and restocked to receive the best performance from the appliance.  That part is still the same today.

And that got me to thinking...

I think our lives are a bit like that old Frigidaire sometimes.  We try and stock it with the best of the least the best that we can afford at the time.  We plan menus around our stockpile, and delight in the variety.

For example, we pick and choose, very carefully, which people we will interact with, but then sometimes we don't prepare that relationship, as we would a good meal, carefully adding all the best ingredients.  And if we don't like the outcome of our effort...we blame the quality of the 'food.'  It must have sat, unattended, in the Frigidaire too long.  We need to do a thorough check of the contents often enough that nothing we have worked so hard to acquire will perish from disinterest.

Begin with your relationship with the Father.  Check it regularly for signs that it's getting stale, past it's due date.  Use up everything you still have, and go out and get more!  With family and friends, don't let things set so long that they can't be salvaged...throw out the soggy, yucky, moldy stuff, and start over! 

Just like that old Frigidaire that continues to be a marvel...things can still go bad when we don't check on them.  Today is the day...clean out the fridge of your heart and restock it with fresh things!  Fresh from the heart of God.

Monday, October 8, 2012

it's always better when it's fresh

AHH!  That first sip of freshly ground coffee in the morning.  Coffee enthusiasts will tell you that you never get tired of that aroma wafting through the kitchen or that first delicious taste.  Additionally, most lovers of the brew will add that there is something special about that first cup every day.  So, here I sit, with my 'thinking cap' on...sipping, savoring, feeling truly rich as a new day begins.  And I am reminded of a little story...

Her grandson was visiting. They had enjoyed each others company, but the time to go back home was drawing closer. He woke up early the next morning, smelling the unmistakeable aroma of coffee. He hurried to the kitchen where he knew he would find his grandma. She was pouring herself a cup of fresh coffee. She stopped while they exchanged greetings and hugs, and suddenly his little face lit up light the morning sky. "Grandma," he said, "do you think I could fix your coffee today? I remember how you like it." She smiled and agreed as she placed the cup next to the sugar and creamer, cautioning him about the very hot contents of the cup. "I'll be right back," he shouted. Then, positioning himself squarely between her watchful gaze and the cup of coffee, he began his work. His little hand flew to the sugar bowl more than once, as she waited patiently. Then the creamer. Next, the sound of the spoon mixing the brew, cautiously, but thoroughly. He turned with a triumphant look on his face and exclaimed, "There! It's all ready." She picked up the cup and took the first sip, and reeling from the sugar overload, smiled broadly and declared, "Why, that's the best coffee I've ever had!" He danced around the table singing, "drink it up, drink it up." And so, she did. As she came to the last swallow, she felt something solid touch her lips, and pulling the cup away, peered into it. Imagine her surprise when she saw three little green figures staring up from the bottom of the cup. "What's this?" she asked. His smile was ear-to-ear as he exclaimed, "Well, it's like they say on TV..."The best part of waking up is 'soldiers' in your cup!"

It's a cute story and I like to retell it, but even I know that the best part of waking up is not Folgers, Maxwell House, Dunkin', or even Starbucks...the BEST part of waking up is that you did!  But, that first delicious cup is right up there somewhere on the top of the list!

And that got me to thinking...

The same thing is true of our relationship to the Father.  The best part of waking up is finding him waiting for you.  Sitting 'together' for a few minutes, talking (and listening), exchanging plans and ideas about the day...mentioning friends who could use a personal visit, as well.  And so it goes, any day is always better when you take the time to start it together, with Him.  Each new day has its own share of wonders and disappointments, but when you've taken the time to start the day with Jesus, the outlook is suddenly better.  The burdens roll away and a new day is born.  Everything is fresh and new!  And it's always better when it's fresh.

Grab your coffee, go to your favorite chair, switch on the lamp, and open the book...He's waiting there!

Friday, October 5, 2012

it's not magic, but it is amazing

There are very few of us who have not been excited by the illusions of a good magician.  We may have been five at the time, but nevertheless, we sat 'spellbound.'  We may have asked each other, "How did he DO that?!"  For that moment in time, perplexed by the enormity of the mystery, we might have exclaimed, "That's AMAZING!"

And so it was that there was a time when the truly 'amazing' dealt with magic and mystery.  But, I know something that is truly amazing, and it doesn't have anything at all to do with magic.  It's the unbridled love of God, permeated with His mercy and grace toward us.

We used to sing about it: "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..."  Sadly, we don't sing the great old hymns like we used to.  Don't misunderstand, I think the worship music today is wonderful, but I still miss the "first, second and last."  Who doesn't robustly sing, "I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus, the wonderful! Oh, how marvelous..." 

To be sure, the theme still exists, but maybe we have lost the sense of wonderment.  For example, anyone who knows me at all is acquainted with my passion for Christmas. (I listen to Christmas music year-round.  I probably have fifty versions of 'Silent Night' that I never cease to enjoy.)  But, maybe I haven't explained why I love Christmas so much...

As Christians, we celebrate Easter, or the Resurrection, as the cornerstone of our faith.  And I, too, believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead just for me.  Therefore, I celebrate His death and resurrection, but it doesn't amaze me.  Jesus, himself, declared that the very reason He came was to die for us...that the prophecy might be fulfilled.  And, there it is!  That He came at all...that's the part that still amazes me!  Why?  Why would He leave heaven to be hated and mistreated, rejected and spat upon?!  Well, I'll tell you why.  He was compelled by a force that we can't even imagine the magnitude of...pure love.  Mercy and grace were the partners in this magnificent plan for the redemption of mankind.  The mere thought of such sacrificial love still astounds me.  It's amazing.

I realize that December twenty-fifth was 'created' by man to offer the fledgling Christians an alternative to the pagan rituals honoring the Winter Solstice...the end of the darkest days and the coming, again, of light.  As humans, we long for pomp and circumstance, and the early church was losing its grip, as people began to drift back to the 'old ways.'  So, it was devised that we, too, could celebrate light, the true light of God.
And you know the rest of the story...sadly, for too many, Christmas has become a time for excess.

I admit, I excessively enjoy every moment of the wonderment of the coming of my Saviour.  With great anticipation, I look forward to His return.  And, yes!  It still amazes me that He came at all!  I celebrate His coming every day of my life.  I get giddy when I hear the first notes, "Joy to the world, the Lord is come!"  Yes, yes!  JOY!  Absolute, J-O-Y!  The greatest gift of all...'let earth receive her king!'

It isn't magic, but IT IS AMAZING!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

checking fences

If you've ever been around a working ranch, you probably possess some knowledge about the amount of time devoted to 'riding fence.'  Down through the past decades the chore has been accomplished on horseback, on the seat of a pickup truck, and even on a four-wheeler.  The evolution of the means to get the job done emphasizes how important the task is.

Riding fence or 'checking fence' is strictly a preventative measure.  Done often and with great care, it prevents cattle or other livestock from wandering off the property and becoming lost and endangered.
Valuable time that should be spent on other tasks is not lost to searching for and rounding up the strays.

And isn't that what fences are keep things inside (usually) or to keep other things out.  Maintaining the complete integrity of the fence is a priority.  Riding the perimeter, checking with an eagle-eye for breaks or gaps and repairing them swiftly and efficiently.  A job well-done protects the entire operation and cuts down considerably on losses.

And that got me to thinking...

Perhaps our own lives are a bit like that ranch.  We were given a space on this earth to 'occupy,' until the Master comes.  He lovingly built a 'hedge of protection' around us to keep us from the evil one.  But, He also gave us free-will.  Even though we belong to Him, we still have choices to make everyday.  We can be finely attuned to His soft voice and obey or we can ignore it and choose our own way.  Therefore, we are constantly checking fences.  We must question our motives.  "If I make this choice, what will the consequences be for me and those I care about? Will this choice break down my protective barrier? Will there be more work from damage control when I choose to willfully tear down my own fence?"

Keep your fences in good order. "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" Micah 6:8.
"Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  37) Jesus said unto him,"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38) This is the first and great commandment.  39) And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  40) On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Matthew 22:36-40

Every choice we make should involve this knowledge...that we know what is good for us.  We know what pleases God, and we know that anything contrary will only break down our hedge of protection.

Don't allow careless words or foolish thoughts or deeds to break down the barrier.  Check your fences.  Keep them repaired and enjoy all the goodness the Lord desires for you.  Well, friends, it's almost daybreak.  You'll have to excuse me now; I've got fences to check.  Have a blessed day.

Monday, October 1, 2012

giddyup gazelle!

Well, it's that time of year again...time for the Well Woman's Exam.  Having been notified of my annual appointment, I dutifully showed up on the scheduled day, at the appointed time.  I am fortunate to have a very compassionate physician.  She always takes enough time to address anything and everything.  Her bedside manner is extraordinary, as well.

For example, even though I had gained a whopping eight pounds since my last visit, she was kind and understanding.  She never mentioned the "F" word (F-A-T) but she did mention that for my current weight, I was actually five inches too short!  Now that was medical diplomacy at its best.

We talked about the "D" word (D-I-E-T...and if you've ever tried to stay on one, you know there's a reason the main part of the word is DIE).  I promised to try harder, and then she went a step too far!  Doc took it to a whole new level: more exercise.  When it comes to exercise, I'm in the proverbial 'Catch-22.'  The severe arthritis in my hips, knees, and ankles protests.  Yes, yes, I know...a body in motion tends to stay in motion...thank you for the reminder.  But, it's much easier said than done.  Trust me.

So, we settled on a new plan of action.  For only fifteen minutes a day, I will do some very low impact exercise.  Alright, now you're talking!  I can do this.  Meanwhile, back at home...

Up the stairs I go to have a serious discussion with the Gazelle Crosstrainer that sits in the corner of the room sneering, as it stares defiantly at me.  But, somehow we reach a truce and I gingerly climb on.  Setting my feet firmly in place, I start out slowly.  Hey!  I CAN do this.  I'm the little engine that could!  Toot! Toot!  Get off the track because here I come.  I chant happily as I speed up, "I think I can, I think I can!  Toot! Toot!  I think I can, I think I can!"  This is great, and look at how time flies.

I think I'll check the stats now.  I click the meter on...let's see...'Calories Burned.'  WHAT?!  Three, 3, t-h-r-e-e?  Are you kidding me?  That can't be right.  After all this time?!  OK, OK...let's check 'Time.'
WHAT?!  Two minutes...seriously?  What's wrong with this thing.  It must need new batteries.  What about 'Distance'?  What's the distance I've covered?  Really?! Really?!  Point zero five?  I will not be defeated!

Must go faster.  Toot! Toot!  I think I can, I think I can!  Three minutes, five minutes.  Toot! Toot!  I think I can!  Ten minutes, twelve minutes.  I think I can, I think I can!  Toot! Toot!  Almost there...fourteen, fourteen-and-a-half...Toot! Toot!  I think I can, I think I can!  Fifteen minutes!  VICTORY!!

As I slide off the skis, collapsing on the floor...exhausted, I realize how much better I really must be all that gas I passed...toot! toot!

Friday, September 28, 2012

friends don't let friends...

Friends don't let friends drive drunk!  I'm sure everyone knows this slogan.  It's used nationally to promote awareness concerning the deathly dangers involved with drunk driving,  And it seems to be working.  More and more people are choosing a 'designated' driver when they go out with plans to consume alcoholic beverages during the evening.  That's good news...because, friends don't let friends drive drunk.

Additionally, responsible hosts are collecting keys at the door when hosting a party where they are serving alcohol.  No one too drunk to drive home safely ('safely' equals bringing no harm to yourself, others, or property) is allowed to have their keys back.  The host finds another way to get the inebriated guest home safely.  Why go to all the trouble?  Because, friends don't let friends drive drunk.

What I like best about this way of thinking is that it forces us to consider our friends and their well-being.

I wonder if we could take it another step.  For example, more recently there has been a more-or-less united effort to end bullying.  We say, "Stop Bullying!"  But, sadly, that is often exactly where it stops.  Nothing else happens.  Imagine the difference if we treated bullying on the same level as excess drinking, bringing it to a more personal level when we say, "Friends don't let friends get bullied."  And conversely, friends don't let friends BECOME bullies!  Maybe that's the whole problem...maybe people don't have any real friends anymore.  Well, I do.  I have a "friend that sticketh closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24)

I still remember, from Sunday School, the little song we used to sing: "My best friend is I love Him!"  It may seem like childish lyrics, but it has proven to be true too many times in my life.  He's the best friend EVER!  We're 'blood brothers!"  He shed His blood, I dipped myself in it, and now we keep covenant together.  He stops me from doing a lot of things that might be detrimental to my well-being...physical, mental, or spiritual well-being.  Friends don't let friends _______ .

He declared us to be His personal friends. (John 15:15  go ahead, re-read the entire's still thrilling)  Let His words in verses 12 & 13 rekindle the flame in your heart.  "This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.  Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."  And there it is...the ultimate declaration regarding true friendship: Friends don't let friends go to hell! 

Jesus once said, "Don't say, 'there are still four months until harvesting time.' Look around you! The fields are ripe and ready now!"  I believe that.  Now is the time to get serious about your family and friends.  If there is someone you want to see again, in heaven, then make sure that they get there. Friends don't let friends go to hell.  Pure and simple.  Now is the time to redouble your efforts on their behalf.  Pray like you've never prayed before that the Spirit of the Risen Lord will move on their hearts before it's too late.  Friends don't let friends go to hell!

And don't go all righteous on me here, either.  It's not 'judging' when the Lord puts someone on your heart who needs intercession and intervention!  We don't mind to intervene when we think they could be too drunk to drive...then we shouldn't mind to intervene when we think they are headed for serious trouble, spiritually.

It's up to still have a choice, free-will, but as for me, I intend to make as sure as I possibly can that everyone I care about is going to see me again in our heavenly home.  I just wouldn't be a true friend otherwise!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I can't get no satisfaction...

Recently, I remembered the old rock tune, "I Can't Get No Satisfaction."  And you know what happened then; it got me to thinking...

Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."  Given the times he lived in, that was quite a statement.  Nevertheless, I believe that he was right, after all.  Happiness, in general, doesn't happen, it's made.  And it's made from all the various threads in the weaving of our lives.  When happiness eludes you, consider where you are looking for it.  Whether it's in relationships, your job/career, or just 'stuff,' whatever fills the void in your life will never be enough when you're looking in the wrong places for the wrong reasons.  The only satisfaction will be temporal at best.

It's like pouring water through a strainer.  If you pour really fast, you can fill it for about 1/2 a second.  No wonder Jesus used water to demonstrate this point!  According to John, chapter 4, the account is written concerning this matter.  There are a couple of points I want you to notice here.

To begin with, verse four tells us that "..he must needs go through Samaria."  That lets me know that the Lord has a need to interact with us in our daily lives, but it only makes a difference if we pay attention to what He is saying.  It's interesting that we can find him here at all.  Historically, the Jewish people hated the Samaritans, and the feeling was Old Testament 'Hatfields and McCoys' on a national level. (see verse 9)  When the Samaritan woman mentions this, Jesus simply executes His plan.  The ensuing dialogue is a split-level conversation.  The woman can't get past the physical reality of the situation, while Christ deals with us on a spiritual plane.  He asks for a drink of water.  She says, "You don't even have a bucket!"  And that opened the door!

What He says next is classic's the bedrock for the foundation of understanding God in our lives.  He said, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that asked you for a drink, you would have asked him for a drink of living water. And he would have given it to you."  But, she's still not in touch.  The conversation continues as He speaks of Living Water, explaining that everything else in life will leave you thirsty.  And there it is!  The reason we "can't get no satisfaction."

Anything, ANYTHING, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G other than Christ himself in our lives, will leave us feeling empty.  It will never be enough, no matter what it is.  He is the source of true life and the happiness in it.  When we are wrapped up in Him, everything else falls into place.  When we are drinking at His well, we are filled and satisfied. Nothing can steal our peace or joy.

So, dear one, come away with me to the well of living waters.  Spend some time in the shade of that oasis just talking with your friend, Jesus.  He felt the need to come your way today, why not tarry with Him until you are satisfied again!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

it's the heat...

Sociologists (and others who study such things) say that, in general, people are meaner to each other when it's hot.  I believe that this must be true.  Lately, under the shadeless pounding of the relentless triple-digit temperatures in the region, I have observed this first-hand.

I have watched as drivers become increasingly aggressive and dangerous to everyone around them.  Mind you that their windows are all rolled up so I'm just assuming that they are riding in air-conditioned comfort as they dash past everyone else, careening in and out of lanes and crossing three lanes at a time to make an exit.  Nevertheless, we'll blame it on the heat.

It's not just behavior in traffic, either.  People take it to the speaker at their favorite drive through restaurant.  Get a grip!  If they ask you to repeat your order, just do it...after all, they're just trying to get it right.  There is never any excuse to be rude to someone else.  Don't think that they are inept or stupid; it's not easy to decipher what you're hearing through a head-set with all the background noise (passing traffic, for example) and truthfully, if you've never experienced it personally, it sounds a lot like Charlie Brown's teacher.  Be nice.  At least they are working an honest job and not increasing your taxes by drawing a check from the government that someone else should be getting!

Then there is the customer who comes in a retail establishment with a big old chip on their shoulder; they're just looking for a fight.

It goes on and on...sadly.

It's the heat, they say.  Everyone's miserable.  Okay, I'll concede that when it's hot...humans get huffy.  But, I want to take that a step farther right now.  From another point of view, let's consider the situation where the enemy is turning up the heat with adverse circumstances.

On numerous occasions in the Bible, it is recorded that some prophet had to remind God's people, AGAIN, of all the blessings they had received by His hand.  Things heated up, they became quarrelsome, and it just went downhill from there...time after time.  In Nehemiah's day, they had been in foreign captivity for several decades and once again, it was recorded, "...neither were they mindful of Thy wonders that Thou didst among them..."

I think we're the same way today.  When things heat up around us...we get forgetful...we just forget to remember!  We often use the circumstances that we find ourselves in, to gripe and complain and whine about how it's just not fair.  Have you ever noticed that when the enemy starts heating things up in our lives that it often gets worse before it gets better?  Maybe, just maybe, we are prolonging our own deliverance.

In the same verse that I mentioned before (Nehemiah 9:17), you have to keep going, "...neither were they mindful...BUT, Thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and forsookest them not."  There it is!  No matter what we're going through, no matter how often we forget to remember...He's still faithful.  His great love is past finding out.  There's no explaining it.  Even when we behave like spoiled brats, His love and mercy and grace still abounds.

He longs to pour out the refreshing, thirst-quenching water of His Word to remind us that He is never far away...that help is on the way...that we need to be mindful of all our great blessings.

So, when it gets "hot"...don't complain, just rejoice and be glad that this current situation is going to change...God promised that He would never, ever allow us to be tormented with more than we could, believe that promise...remember all the glorious victories in your life, and give thanks with a truly grateful heart.  Love and thankfulness toward Him, STILL touches His heart.  We, as parents, understand that completely.  So, don't let the heat get you down.  Stay strong in the Word and don't forget to remember!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

how great is our God!

"The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice..."

Whenever I hear Chris Tomlin sing this beautiful worship song (How Great Is Our God), I am overcome with gratitude and adoration.  My heart nearly bursts with the pure joy that our Lord imparts to us daily.

"He wraps Himself in light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice,
Trembles at His voice..."

How can I have a 'blue' day for very long when I pause to think of the truth is these words?!

"How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God..."

This time of year, my mind wanders into the strangest avenues at times.  I bite into the warm sunshine of a garden-fresh tomato and I think to myself, "My sweet Jesus (as a mere man) never tasted anything so wonderful, and yet He prepared them for me to enjoy. How great is our God!

"Age to Age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end..."

Age to Age and generation to generation, His pure love never wavers; His mercy and grace are magnificent in the scope of their reach.  To me, to my children, to my children's children...on and on it goes!

"The God-head, three in one
Father, Spirit, Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb..."

Perfect, matchless, beautiful peace.  Nothing, no nothing, can alter this great peace that defies human reasoning---it's past finding out.  The road of life is often strewn with obstacles, and yet!  He is always there, keeping our restless hearts and minds in perfect peace.  How great is our God!

"Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God..."

Whisper it...the name of 'Jesus'...let it linger in your ears...'Jesus' precious is that lovely name!

"How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God."

The beautiful mornings, the rainy days, He made them all.  He made all things for us to richly enjoy.  No, He never tasted a sun-ripened tomato, but He made sure that I could!  HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

dark shadows

You probably thought this was going to be a review for the movie,  I wasn't trying to trick you, there just wasn't any other way to say it!  So, go ahead, now that you're on.

Any student of art or science is exposed to the effects of 'light,' during some point in their studies.  And one of the most profound effects, as far as I'm concerned, is the presence of shadow.  Consider this: there can be no shadow without light.  Period.  It simply isn't possible.

And, that got me to thinking...

Shadows produced by light interference can be positive or negative.  Either way, we can learn some valuable lessons from the experience. To illustrate, I'll simply use myself as the example.  Suppose that I am feeling anxious or depressed or moody. At times such as these, I always look around to see where the Lord is.  Since He IS the Light, then I can safely assume that when I am experiencing shadow in my life, it isn't because He has's because something has come between me and source of Light!  I need to check myself for anything that is opposite of His fruit (love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control).  Maybe I am withholding forgiveness. As soon as I deal with that matter sincerely, the shadow will withdraw and the Light will become bright again. What if upon self-examination, I discover a root of bitterness that was never plucked up? It will thrive and grow, creating an enormous shadow between me and the Light.  I must chop it down, pull up the roots and never allow even a sliver to survive. What if I have simply missed an opportunity to have a Servant's heart and bless someone else...Then, my own self-worth grows bigger and bigger creating self-inflicted shadows over my life!

The Light is always there, but shadows exist whenever something comes between Him and me.  It's up to me to keep everything in proper balance.  Those are examples of negative shadows.

What about positive shadows?  I think they occur at those special times in our lives when He is holding us so tightly that we are completely covered "under the shadow of His wings." And let me tell you, friend, I've been there.  I've been in the depth of heartache and despair that is so deep that I'm not sure I'll survive, but that's when He holds me...real close that I can feel His heartbeat, and it makes me calm in the midst of devastating troubles.  Yes, there are positive and negative shadows. Rest in the one and learn from the other.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

traveling light

Have you ever planned a trip and packed up more than you really needed? Most of us have. We haul our baggage out to the car, haul it into the terminal, and lug it around some more while waiting to board. It's a common sight. We usually have too much baggage to handle comfortably.

In an attempt to make things easier for us, we are allowed to 'check' some of our baggage. But, like everything else on the planet, that privilege comes with a price-tag. Not only do you pay an extra monetary fee, there is the slight chance that any baggage that leaves your own watchful eye could actually go astray and become 'lost.'

The very idea sends signals for an anxiety attack for many, and so we stuff everything we can into the largest carry-on allowed, and stow it in the overhead. Then we watch the baggage cart and make sure that we see our checked bags loaded onto the plane. Now we can relax. All our of stuff is only inches away!

One of my favorite musical groups, back in the day, was Herman's Hermits. I still smile when I hear any of their tunes on the radio. But recently, for no apparent reason, a particular song popped into my head and took up residence for a few days...this is me: smiling, as I hum the lyrics...

"Got no bags and baggage to slow me down,
 I'm a-travelin' so fast my feet ain't touchin' the ground...
 Travelin' light...travelin' light,
 And I just can't wait to be with my baby tonight." guessed it...that got me to thinking...

For their purposes, the travel industry (particularly, the airlines) defines 'checked' as "being consigned to a common carrier." Imagine that! Our bags are actually intended to be loaded on the same plane that we are on, going to and arriving at the same destination. Ah, a perfect world. Perhaps the solution is as simple as the song suggests: just travel light, take only what you really need.

Compare the way we live with taking a trip, going on a journey. We often pack up more than we really need and just haul it around. We collect extra baggage made up of doubt, worries and fears, unresolved bitterness, jealousy and strife...the list goes on and on. If we insist on dragging all this stuff around with us everywhere, eventually, the inevitable happens: we can no longer board with all of must be checked and stowed below. In reality, that's not such a bad idea...'check' the extra baggage...consign it to the Father (who loves you!) and allow Him to take possession of it.

Or, better yet...stop taking any extra baggage that might need to be checked, and practice traveling light. You'll find that everything you really need will be there when you arrive at your final destination. Replace worry with a lighter Replace that unforgiving thought with something that takes up less space...mercy and grace. Pack love and generosity and take it everywhere instead of all the extra baggage that accumulates when we are self-centered and unforgiving. As you journey through this prayer is that you will always travel light!

Just relax...and enjoy the journey!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

take it back, or I'll...

When we were kids, if someone said something that even mildly offended us, we would shout, "Take it back, or I'll ____________ !" (you fill in the blank) That's right, Sista! You better take it back. Usually, the offender would respond quickly, thank goodness, and unnecessary bloodshed was temporarily avoided.

I think even countries behave the same way at times: "You better take that back or we'll blow you off the planet!"

Yes sir, where I come from, those are fighting words.

In 2006, John Mayer released the first single from a studio album. "Waiting on the World to Change" was an instant success. It had everything a great song could need, right? Catchy music AND a message!

"We keep on waiting on the world to change..." Well, while we were waiting, it changed, and not really for the better. People seem more agitated and at unrest with themselves these days. We snap at each other as though we descended from biting turtles. You don't have to look very far to find an incredibly rude person, it seems.
Yep, while we were waiting, things changed.

It's time to stand up in the face of the enemy and shout, "You better take that back!!!"  When the enemy of our peace comes charging in with insults and accusations, it's time to roar with the Lion of Judah, "Take it back, right now, or I'm gonna slam you with the Word. Oops, too late...'No weapon formed against me will EVER prosper. Go on back to the pit of Hell where you came from!'"

Don't give the enemy even one inch, chase him out of your mind, your home, your life! Then laugh and sing for joy because the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Oh! On a side note, don't ever confuse people with the enemy of your soul. God's love extends from the uttermost to the guttermost! The same enemy that torments us today, was there to torment our Savior while He walked among us. Don't go after the person, go after the real enemy. He HAS to flee in the name of Jesus.

Now, get out there and make it a good's your choice!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


"Tormenta," the Spanish word for 'storm,' describes the event beautifully. Storms torment us and often take us unaware. Sometimes they are predictable; other times they come on suddenly and without warning. Either way, they come.

All day yesterday and through the night, violent storms raced through the region. With dozens of tornadoes reported, baseball-sized hail, inches of cold, driving rain, and winds exceeding seventy miles per hour at times, it was enough to set your nerves on edge! On nights like that, it can be difficult to get to sleep and actually seems as though half of your mind and body stay alert...subconsciously listening for the warning sirens to sound again. After a night like that, you can wake up exhausted.

Nevertheless, I woke up early today. After putting the coffee on, I slipped outside to "survey the damage." The sky was still heavy with clouds, the trees dripping with rain drops. But, the wind was calm. I made my way to our little secret garden, to see how things looked there. Even in the dim light of early morning, everything was beautiful. I removed the drenched tablecloth from the table that Jerry had so lovingly built for this special space and hurried back to the house for towels to dry the chairs. Even without wind, the air was chilly, but not uncomfortable. I grabbed my robe, and checked on the coffee. The magnificent aroma wafting through the kitchen told me that it was ready. Filling my cup and a thermos, I headed to the garden.

I had barely gotten situated when I realized that the entire yard was filled with singing, happy birds. In every treetop, they sang out. What a beautiful chorus it was! Since I had already put fresh seed out for them, I knew they weren't just looking for breakfast, and that got me to thinking...

Where were they when the storms battered the area? And then it was all so clear: they were hunkered down in their nests, waiting for the storm to end...because they knew it would! And now was the time of rejoicing.

What a wonderful life-lesson! Yes, the storms will come, and some will be furious and tormenting, but there's no need to fear. All is well. Just hunker down and wait for the storm to pass. And even if the sun has not quite driven the cloudy curtain back...SING ANYWAY!!! 

The sun will come shining through those clouds of doubt and fear, and your world will be right again. It surely will. You have a heavenly Father who knows your name, and His love is unfailing, His mercy and grace beyond calculation...and even the birds know that!

"Therefore, I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, or the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"  ~Jesus in Matthew 6 : 25,26, RSV

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

that's a wrap!

We've all heard it, usually in the movies, or in the making of them, "That's a wrap!" Even after dozens of re-takes, at some point, the director decides that he's ready to move on. That's a wrap.

As far as I'm concerned, that phrase did not originate in Hollywood. I think Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer may, without realizing it, have been influenced from heaven itself.  That's most likely where the idea emerged.

Just for a few moments, let's think outside-the-box.  Perhaps one day, we'll understand it better, but for the time being, this is my story and I'm sticking to it!

Picture this: God has created the universe, and in it He has placed one magnificent show-piece, earth. The gem of all creation? Maybe...

He creates all manner of animal and plant life, and indeed, He is pleased, and even though His creation adores Him, He still yearns for something more---someone to talk to, someone to actually enjoy all that He has made.  In a stroke of creative genius, He makes one more thing, a man.  This man, Adam, was a wonderful companion, but God loved Him so much that He understood that the man needed additional companionship on his earth. (Can you imagine?! More companionship than with God Himself?!) He even said, "it's not good for man to be alone," so He created woman, man's companion.  But, He also added a final act of They would be able to decide for themselves whether or not they would honor and return God's great love.  Sadly, we know the rest of the story...our original ancestors failed miserably in making good choices, and for thousands of years, God tried to remember free-will.  But, He never stopped yearning for man to embrace Him completely, surrendering everything back to Him, as the ultimate act of love. (as parents, though on a very limited level, we actually understand "letting go")  At some point, He knew it was as good as it was going to He called it, "that's a wrap."

Then, He sent the law to guide and govern our choices. Mankind became expert at picking and choosing which laws to obey, and which to ignore as mere suggestions.  Enough of this...that's a wrap!

Then, He sent the prophets. Maybe they'll listen to another human, He thought.  But, we were fairly well acquainted with rebellion by then, so we didn't pay any attention to them either.  That's a wrap!

In one final attempt to recapture our hearts and lives, He came Himself.  He came the same way that we come into the world...a baby.  He grew up the same way we do, one year at a time.  He honored His parents and did all He was expected to do.  He must have been thinking, "What's so hard about this?"  "Why can't they just love and obey me?"  Historically, by this time, the poor tired world was so friendly with sin that there simply was no sacrifice that could appease a  righteous God.  So, God himself, Who had become "flesh and dwelt among us," offered up Himself as the supreme sacrifice.  That's a wrap! 

I know I'm "preaching to the choir," as they say, but I wonder if you realize the weight of that magnificent act of love.  Did you know, that at the end of each long day, you can call're the director...that's a wrap.  We will not go over that scene again...that's a wrap.  Take everything as it comes, the good and the bad, and determine quickly what needs to be reworked.  That includes the good things as they come along---don't try to ride on just one, create new opportunities every day.  Get to the end of the scene, no matter what it is, and call it done...that's a wrap!

Let your faith soar to heaven's gates a hundred times a day...see the Father's smiling face...feel His warm with Him, walk with Him...that's all He ever really wanted.  That's a wrap!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

nowhere man

For the past several days, a song performed by the Beatles has been stuck in my head.  When I go to sleep, I hear it; and when I wake up in the morning, I hear it.  I hear it in the middle of the day, and all day long.

"Nowhere man, please don't know what you're missing..."

Over and over and over it plays.  I finally stopped and listened to the words with my heart instead of my head. Oh yes, God can even use a song by a rock group to get your attention.  He surely can!

I began to make a list...I asked the Holy Spirit to help me, and He did just that.  I wanted to know if there was anyone in my life, no matter what the relationship, who was headed nowhere...people who were flat-out missing the blessings of the Lord in their lives.  Name after name, He dropped them in my spirit, and without knowing what they needed, I just prayed.  I didn't want any of them to be stuck in a "nowhere land" with little hope left to hang on to.  Everyone's going through something, but sometimes we "forget to remember" that we're not here alone.  We get so wrapped up in our own little world---one teacher coined it the "us-four-and-no-more" mentality---but, whatever it is, it must be identified by each of us, individually, and stopped.

There is a rustle in the Spirit realm these days...a relentless and urgent clamor for attention.  A restless yearning for souls to be reunited with the Father is stirring.  We have to see the world again, the poor tired masses, like Jesus did.  We have to feel the compassion that moved Him to action.  While it's true that no one can do everything, it's equally true that everyone can do something!

Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason.  I have come to realize that maybe, just maybe, that's the best time that the Father can get my attention.  We have wonderful "quiet times" in the morning, but then, too often, the cares of the world start taking their toll.  And I can barely hear His voice by noon.

So, for the time being, I am paying attention to "Nowhere Man." Every time it pops into my head, I stop and ask, "Who, Lord? Who is desperate for You and doesn't even know it himself?"  We need to ready ourselves to be part of the solution.  As the prophet said, "Here am I Lord, send me."

If you don't have a burden for a nowhere man, maybe now's the time to get one.  After all, when you have a burden, Jesus promises to carry it for you, so there's really no cost to you!  Just something to think about...

Friday, January 20, 2012


I have discovered that, for the most part, there are two types of visitors or guests: expected and unexpected. I suppose that you could expand that to include 'unwanted,' as well...however, that's really a sub-category that could be contained in either one of them. Interestingly enough, the unexpected visitor might be as welcome as the one who has an 'appointment'. The difference lies in the effort of what I like to call "anticipation-preparation."

For example, when I am expecting a visit from a dear friend, I want everything to be as special as possible. It's not so I can put on airs; it's because their time is limited and precious...I just want them to have a very pleasant interlude in an often tedious life. I want them to be glad that they made the effort to come by; I want them to feel refreshed and renewed when they leave.

Similarly, when I am expecting a visit from one of the adult children in my life, I want everything to be warm and cozy for them. That doesn't include wasting hours cleaning and scrubbing the house to a spit-shine finish either. I believe that I keep a reasonably tidy house, so instead, I am going to spend my anticipation-preparation time gathering up fresh supplies for their favorite meals, making sure a well-loved movie is on hand, penciling in additional time for a quiet cup of coffee and some "us" time. With great anticipation, I prepare for this often long-awaited visit. At times, I am giddy with delight as I imagine their arrival: the warm smiles and tender embraces, the laughter and joyful's all good!

I mention these things today only because I have learned a powerful lesson about anticipation-preparation. And I am eager to share it. I believe that our great Father God is the same way. I believe that every day of our lives He is expecting a visit from us. Imagine this:

There's an air of excitement that cannot be dismissed. All the servants (angels in heaven) are rushing in and out, chattering happily about the visitor they are expecting. In anticipation of the visit, the Father is checking on everything, making certain that all the preparations are being made-to-order.
He gently reminds them, "now today, she will learn about her friend's illness...make sure there is an extra helping of healing on the table. And don't forget that financial crisis that is looming...prepare an unexpected blessing and two servings of peace. Freshen all the bouquets with lavish amounts of mercy and grace, that's always a beautiful centerpiece."  Oh! the joyful preparations that are occurring this very moment. Now, imagine His genuine sadness when you call to cancel, or worse don't even call!

It's true. Each new day, He spreads a table for us in anticipation of our visit. There is never an hour when the fruit bar (love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control) is not inspected and refreshed. Everything is always ready, and at the perfect temperature...all that is missing is the visitor. Trust me. His door is always open, even in the darkest night, (He'll leave the light on) you are always the expected visitor. Come early, stay late.