Ah, autumn...my favorite season. Don't misunderstand; I truly enjoy a region that experiences all four seasons, and I have been blessed enough that I have always lived in such a place. After the record heat wave and drought of this past summer, I think everyone was longing for the cooler days of autumn, and now they are finally here.
What glorious days! They are warm and sunny and the evenings bring a chill on every wisp of wind. Morning comes and I am nestled deep in the folds of the fluffy down comforter that drapes over the bed. The sky seems more brilliant than any other time, I think. Perhaps it is only the contrast of the brightly colored leaves of the trees. Yes, autumn is a truly welcome season for me. I don't even mind that it means that winter is not far behind. (I will embrace its glory when it arrives.) But, in the meantime, I bask in the golden days of the most wonderful season of the year.
I often think that my life is a series of seasons, as well. If this is true, then perhaps I am enjoying the autumn of my life right this very minute. That's okay with me. I like my life. I like where I am in my life. Sometimes I wonder if I would have changed anything along the way, if I had known what would happen next. But, the truth of the matter is this: "any arbitrary changes along the way," will naturally change everything that happens after that! Just imagine...no matter what change you would make...it would alter everything past that point. I think it is good that God does not allow me to "know" too much, not even about myself! In His grace, He has chosen to reveal things to me gradually. I have become accustomed to being on a need-to-know basis. And I have discovered that He is true to His word...He has never allowed more to tempt or try me than I can manage at that point in my life. The lessons I have learned were often gleaned from hard fought battles in the trenches of life. I am no stranger to the school-of-hard-knocks. Sometimes it seems as though my name was on the roll for months at a time! Still, I was able, with God's divine help, to get through one more time.
Now that my life has proceeded through several decades, now that I have past the half-century mark, I feel as though I'm in the clubhouse turn. What is there left to do? What great and marvelous plans does He have for me that I cannot even imagine today? Since I am still on a need-to-know basis, I have absolutely no idea what will happen next. But, there is one thing that I am certain of. He lives to love...and He loves me. He knows my name...He walks with me and talks with me, and I plan to make the most of that relationship! While I do not know what the future holds, I most certainly have a plan. I plan to love the Lord with all my heart, and all my soul, and all my might. I plan to seek His approval before I mess things up for myself and possibly others. I plan to thank Him, with a grateful heart, whenever I think of anyone I love and care about. I plan to talk less and listen more...I plan to listen until I really hear. I plan to forgive so quickly that wounds don't have time to worsen and fester. I plan to enjoy this very wonderful life, every moment of every day.
I cannot imagine a more beautiful time than autumn...on this earth, and in my life!!!!!
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