Johnny Cash was the kind of singer that you either liked or you didn't...there was no middle ground for most of us. Personally, I liked him "then," and I still do. With any of our favorite crooners though, there are still tunes that we like better than others, even by the same performer. Since we like the voice, it's usually the content...the lyrics, that we don't care for. With that in mind, I'll admit that I have my favorites, even with Johnny.
At this time of the year, I always think of a particular song that he sang. "I Still Miss Someone" is the name of the song..."At my door the leaves are falling...a cold, wild wind has come...people [ 'sweethearts' actually, but I prefer to use 'people,' as that includes all of us! ] walk by together, and I still miss someone." Obviously, it's just another love song, but it's still true...I do miss someone, and I miss her so much sometimes that I can hardly see through the tears. When is there a better time to sing a 'love' song?
Mommie Dearest, you were fortunate enough to be born on the first day of autumn, my favorite season of the year! And when the leaves start falling, I miss you so very much. There would be 79 candles on your cake today; we'd need to have the fire department standing by...just in case! Goodness gracious...all those flames and we're still under a burn ban!! All kidding aside, you have to know that you left me too soon...I wasn't done loving you and I will never stop missing you. The hole in my heart hasn't gotten any bigger, it just hasn't filled up. There just isn't anyone in this whole world who can take your place. Even though I am blessed beyond measure...I have a husband who adores me...just ask Mowgli! ;) and I have amazing children who have incredible mates and the grandchildren can't be compared to anyone else's---it just wouldn't be fair...yet, even so, I still miss YOU!
You were the most wonderful mother! Oh, and by the way, I bought Shel Silverstein's new book of poems today...primarily for this one poem! I knew you'd like it as much as I do.
"A spider lives inside my head
Who weaves a strange and wondrous web
Of silken threads and silver strings
To catch all sorts of flying things,
Like crumbs of thoughts and bits of smiles
And specks of dried-up tears,
And dust of dreams that catch and cling
For years and years and years..."
Yep, that just about says it all! There remain bits of all our conversations, all our wonderful moments spent together, all the smiles and all the tears...and that's where they stay...caught in a web spun from the silver cords of love, love so wonderful that we cannot put a value on it---it's simply priceless! Oh yes, I still miss someone...and I always have, I always do, and I always will.
One of the most precious bits clinging to that web is an image that is still so vibrant in my memory...I still recall how you looked when you tucked me in at bedtime. You would read me a Bible story and help me say my prayers, and then you'd read a few pages from a real 'chapter' book! One of my favorites was Joel Chandler's "Uncle Remus." You always did the "voices" better than anyone else. I remember that you still had your beautiful "work" clothes on, a stylish dress and classy heels! I remember the intoxicating fragrance of your perfume...back then it was Shalimar. (I used to slip into your bedroom and gingerly remove the glass stopper on the elegant bottle so I could smell 'you' when you were away.) So, there are phrases from Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit caught in that web, as well as wisps of Shalimar now and then.
How charming and lovely you were to me! How could I NOT miss someone so precious?! This world was lucky to have you as long as it did! Yes, I still miss someone, but I know that you're waiting in the doorway, gazing down the winding trail, scanning the horizon for your little red-haired girl, and someday, if you leave the light on, I'll find you again.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY MOMMIE DEAREST!!!! (I've heard that Jesus throws awesome parties!)
I wish I could fix it, Mommy. I love you so much and I miss someone too. Happy Birthday, Granny....we looked at you and Katie last night-to pick out pictures for her senior annual. She loved the one where she was grinning at you.