During his most recent visit to our home, my grandson, Isaac, provided one of those rare and priceless lessons learned only from a child. He was playing a 'shopping' game with his mother's cousin. Everything in the house had a price. As they went from room to room, I could hear bits of the conversation. And then, it happened...the magic of a life-lesson disguised as a childish game!
SHONNA: How much is this hutch?
ISAAC: Well, that's eight diamonds.
SHONNA: Hmm, eight diamonds? Would you take less?
ISAAC: Nooo, it's EIGHT diamonds.
SHONNA: Well, I only have five. It's all I have. Will you take five?
ISAAC: Yes, I'll take five, but you're going to need three more!
I thought about that for a little while. Then I realized that we often take less for something, that we have invested in, than we should. And why? The item is ours; we can set the price. Whether or not the original price is ever lowered is entirely up to us. Life is not a garage sale where counter-offers are the norm.
For example, if you value integrity and have set its worth at one-hundred diamonds, then never settle for less. When you are offered eighty diamonds from someone for their integrity (and yours in return) just go ahead and tell them, "you're going to need twenty more!"
And what about fidelity? It doesn't need to be physical in nature, just absolute devotion. If you place its value at one-hundred diamonds, don't ever settle for fifty. If it's important enough, the buyer will come up with the full price! It's an unwritten law of nature.
So, never be afraid to demand the full price. There are acres of diamonds out there. Set your price and expect payment in full! And don't forget, others expect the same from you. Never ask them to compromise their price, either. Come to a mutual agreement, and never back down.
Next Sunday is Easter. Christians all over the globe will celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of our beloved Savior, Jesus, the Christ. He paid a price He didn't owe for a debt we could not pay. He gave us unconditional love---dare we offer less? By no means. Let us rise up, as well, and deliver to Him, with our own lives, the full measure of His price. And what is His price? Love. That's all He asks or expects from us.
A life lived for Him and through Him is priceless. Instead of searching for painted eggs, look for the diamonds and fill your basket daily until you can present Him with the full amount. How will you know when you have reached it? You'll hear these words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
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