Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Stop Losing Yourself!

I'm going to tell you a little story. Now everyone sit down, get comfortable, and listen closely.
It goes like this:

Many years ago, two little girls were playing happily with their doll-babies. Now these two little girls were sisters, moreover they were twins. They loved playing together and rarely got into arguments. One pleasant afternoon, between nap-time and supper time, they were playing 'house,' as they often did. In their bedroom, it was much like a miniature apartment. They had child-size appliances (stove and refrigerator), sink, table with two chairs and even a little washing machine. On that particular day, the living room had been transformed into the 'park.'

One of the little girls came down the hall with her baby in a stroller, heading for the park. The other sister was working happily in the 'home.' Meanwhile, in the park, the baby is situated in a small rocking chair that has been designated a swing. The young mother instructed the baby to sit there, in the swing, while she went to get them some refreshments or something. Off she trots. Moments later, the other sister shows up at the park, finds the baby unattended and scoops her up. Off she trots.

When the first little girl returns to the park and finds that her baby is missing, she doesn't scream and shout. She simply looks around---everywhere. The baby's blanket is on the floor, but no baby! She even turns the rocking chair completely over, looking for the baby. She never says anything, she just continues her search elsewhere.

Momentarily, her sister shows up with the baby and returns it to the swing. No fanfare. Off she trots. Enter the perplexed mama, and note the joy on her face when she finds her baby---right where she left her! She picks the infant up, gives her a squeeze, and then scolds her gently, "Now, you stop losing yourself!"

Where was I when all this drama was unfolding? Why, sitting on the couch, curled up with a book, that's where. So, I am an eye-witness. Trust me when I tell you that I learned a powerful lesson that day. In fact, I have been applying it to my life, in one form or another, almost daily since that time.

Let me break it down for you. Once you have found yourself, the real you, there will be numerous opportunities to lose yourself. Busy mothers know all about this. We even become known as "Mary Alice's mother," or "Bill's wife." Somehow, we  begin to lose ourselves. We yearn for a few moments, just a few moments for ourselves---so we can regroup. It seems as though we can't even go into the bathroom without hearing a plaintive voice behind the door, "What are you doing in there?" "I'm using the bathroom." "Can I come in?" Raise your hand if you've been there-done that!

Let's go back to the story for just a moment. Notice that the baby did not do anything wrong; circumstances just prevented her from staying 'put.' So it is with our busy, multifaceted lives. We can be doing everything that is expected of us and still manage to lose ourselves. But, just as it was in the story, there is a rescuer for us. There is someone Who will search for us until He finds us. He will turn over every mountain, if necessary, and never give up. We are created in such a way that even twins are uniquely individual. We are destined to be ourselves, as wonderfully diverse as we can be. Embrace all that is charming about YOU! Take time to refuel each day. Go ahead and meet the needs of everyone else. But, always, always, always take time for you. Stop losing yourself! Let the gentle Shepherd scoop you up and protect you. He will be faithful to return you to the exact spot you need to be, when you are ready.

I'm going to the bathroom now, and I don't want to hear anyone on the other side of the door!


  1. Mama, what are you doing in there? Can I come, in? It's really important! Hello? Hello? Are you in there?!
    I love you!

  2. Yes, I'm here, Precious! And some things NEVER change!!!! hahaha
