Here in central Oklahoma, we've had a much 'cooler' summer than usual, but the weather forecasters are calling for a return of the hot days of summer next week. Even so, with the absence of the normal heat pattern, it makes it hard to believe that the kiddos are already heading back to school.
The newscasters are reminding us to be alert in the school zones, always watching for the children. It's rather ridiculous that we need to be reminded that the flashing lights indicate the possibility of small pedestrians walking to and from home, or simply standing...waiting for their ride. But, it's the same every year. We seem to be growing more and more oblivious to the school zones that may be on our normal route. Drivers are already distracted with the interaction of their mobile devices, and they get annoyed if they have to slow down. Rarely do I see a driver who maintains the more cautious speed until completely out of the posted zone. Why is that? Why are we in such a hurry all of the time? Where are we going?
Pondering on these thoughts, brought something else to mind:
You've heard me say this a thousand times, so one more time won't annoy you that much, right?
EVERYBODY IS GOING THROUGH SOMETHING. Normally, we don't even have a clue as to what the folks around us are going through at any given time. Unless they tell us themselves, or someone else tells us, or we overhear a conversation that clues us in, we "drive right on through" their caution zone. Lights are flashing, the Holy Spirit is urging, but we just keep right on going. Why is that?
Are we afraid that if we offer to do something, someone might actually take us up on it?! Okay, suppose that's the truth, and having limited resources ourselves, we may not be able to do as much as we had promised or hoped. It's a good rule to not make promises that you cannot keep. But, what about the One who has unlimited resources? Have we forgotten that He is always ready to "be the answer," supplying every need (spiritual, financial, emotional, physical) to us in His own way and time? How much of our precious schedule is altered when we stop and whisper a heartfelt plea: "God, please help my friend today."
Why can't we spare that few seconds worth of time? Why are we in such a hurry?
I have noticed that several times a day, the Lord brings someone to my's often just a fleeting thought, or a flash of memory that was triggered by some seemingly unrelated event. I have learned that the Father is sharing with us the grand opportunity to be part of their solution. If we will learn to stop, for a few seconds, and really listen and pay attention to the prompting, we may be entrusted with the treasure of heaven...the answer to someone's prayer or cry for help.
The prophet (Isaiah 6:8, NIV) answered the call.
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?'
And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"
So, I ask again...where are we going? Where are we going with our lives? How will we account for our time here? In the end, will we even be worth the air that we had to breathe? There's one way to determine our own available, always be ready to be part of the solution. It's true that we can't do everything, but there is a lot more that we could be doing. Stay 'prayed-up,' and always ready to whisper someone's name.
We need to make a conscious effort to slow-down when mentally racing through someone's caution alert for the weary traveler who just needs you to whisper their name. The Lord will always let you know if there is something more tangible that you need to do to complete the task of bringing comfort to the forgotten soul along the way.
Yes, Isaiah said, "Here I am; send me!" And Hollywood's Doc Holliday said, "I'm your huckleberry!"
Whichever one you can identify with...just do it! Be the one driver who slows down all the way through the zone. And then...check your rear-view mirror just to make sure that everyone made it through!