Sunday, August 28, 2011

nail it down

For as long as I can remember, I have heard people say, "Everything happens for a reason."  I suppose that it's true, but often it is easier to reject the notion altogether, rather than contemplate just exactly what that reason might be.  When something that we simply were not expecting occurs, we immediately struggle with the 'reason' for it.  Sometimes we are even foolish enough to utter those two words that cancel any shred of faith that we might be clinging to..."why me?"

At those times, I simply pause and remember all that my precious Jesus suffered to settle my account.  I no longer waste time with the whole 'ME' thing, but I do wonder what good could come from any of the madness, not just for myself, but for every one that I am aware is suffering for one reason or another.  It can all be so vague at times.

And still, He who holds the universe in place with a mere thought is still in control!  He always was, always is, always will be in total control.  THAT my soul "knoweth right well."  It's a fact to me...a proven outcome, not a mere theory.  So, when bad things (or even potentially bad things) happen to someone, myself included, I am learning to set aside the worry (which is absolute lack of faith) and concentrate on whatever it is that the Father is trying to teach me.  Oh, there are degrees on the worry meter, to be sure!  Sometimes, it actually takes a day or two to pull myself together again.  Only at that point, am I able to rise up to my full stature in Christ and walk, once again, by faith and not by sight.  At that moment, peace comes in like a river, the smile returns to my face, and I am confident that not one single thing, from the slightest injury to the greatest devastation could ever remove me from His tender care and purpose for my life.

That's what happened to me this past week.  I received news, in the form of a letter, that I simply was not expecting.  As I read it through a second time, I was reeling from the fear that had already begun to plant itself firmly in my heart.  I tried to call a couple of people, but no one was answering their phone.  Typical, right?!  And when they finally did get back to me it was clear that their plate was already full---too full for me to add to their distress, so I remained silent.  I fretted for another day...can you even imagine that?  I wasted most of what might have been a great day just allowing my mind to create terrible outcomes that probably will never happen.  And so what if they do happen?  Jesus, my Christ, will never let go of my hand...even if it means that we're actually headed home, to His place---NO! ESPECIALLY if it means we're headed home!  His love is amazing.  The sureness of its value is a nail-in-a-sure-place.  Whatever, whoever is anchored by that love cannot be moved.

So, what was the 'thing' I am supposed to learn?  Well, I believe that it is simply this:  When I am left dazed and confused from the attack of the unseen enemy (fear), I should "tell it to Jesus."  "There is no other, such a friend or brother, tell it to Jesus alone."  I have a direct line---He always answers!  I have discovered that when I run crying to Him, He holds me.  This is what it means to be held.  This is where peace can cover us, protecting us.  The second thing I learned is just as valuable.  God is faithful.  If you need more tangible support, He will put you on the minds of others...the faithful ones who will carry you gently to the throne of grace---there is mercy and healing waiting there for you.  No worries.  His grace is sufficient.  Today is a bright new day, and all is well---it surely is.  Faith has risen in my heart today and God has wiped all tears away.

I may not know what the future holds for me, but I know Who holds my future!  Now, that's a nail-in-a-sure-place!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


The countdown has begun!  In just a few moments I'll begin yet another trip around the sun.  What a great year this past one has been.

I often wonder if anyone is exactly where they thought they would be at a particular time (or age) in their lives.  It seems that we may not be able to define fully our expectations, but often we are genuinely aware that we simply aren't there.  It's paradoxical, in a way.  You can be pleased and yet feel as if something wasn't quite right, either.

I know because that's the way it used to be for me.  But, things are different now.  To love and be loved...there is nothing finer or more precious on this earth.  I suppose that most people cannot say that they have everything they ever dreamed of...nothing missing, nothing broken.  I can.  With a joyful spirit, I know how very blessed I am.  I have wonderful children, lots of them.  And I am so very proud of them.  They fill my heart with joy as it overflows with love and devotion.

I have two dozen of the most precious grandchildren in the universe, and my heart still melts when they run into my arms.  Ranging from one to twenty-one in age, they keep me forever young!  What a great job their parents are doing!

I have an amazing husband who has taught me the true meaning of making love...turns out it's a moment-by-moment thing, not so much 'just' a sexual thing.  He has devoted himself to helping me become the very best person that I can be.  My heart skips a beat when he looks my way and smiles.  Yes!  It's good to be the princess.

I have a heavenly Father who knows my name and hears me when I call.  My life is blessed with every good thing and when He looks at me, He smiles, too.  He pardons, with grace and mercy, all of my shortcomings and forgives me when I fail, encourages me to try again, and applauds me when I win! 

Yes, it really is a wonderful life!  All this...and heaven, too!

Each and every day, I thank God for the wonderful life He has planned for me.  One of the best things I have learned, I'm going to try and share with you today, my friends.

When I was teaching, it was my privilege to instruct some of the best students that ever walked the halls of Nocona Elementary School.  But, many times, I was the student.  I learned a lot from those kids...some great life lessons.  This is one of them:

One day a young man walked into my classroom.  He tilted his face and sniffed the air in deep breaths.  "What's that smell?" he demanded.
"Well, I don't know," I said, "is it a good smell or a bad smell?" 
He replied, "It's a GOOD smell."
I extended my arm and offered my wrist, "Could it be my perfume?"
"YES!" he exclaimed.
"Well," I said, "it's called 'Passion.'"
"I LIKE 'Passion,'" he said as he turned and walked to his desk.
Every day after that he would enter the room, sniffing.  Catching the familiar scent, he would look at me and smile and continue to his seat.
One day, however, he was shocked to discover that I wasn't wearing 'Passion.'
"That's NOT 'Passion,'" he stated.
"No," I said, "that's 'Opium.'"
He wasn't amused. He shuffled off, but I heard him whisper, "I like 'Passion.'"

Over the years, I have thought about that incident many times.  This is what I have learned.
When things are going the way we like it, we're happy and pleased, agreeable and friendly.  But, let one little thing change, and we get all bent-out-of-shape, and refuse to consider that the new option might be pleasant, too.  Perhaps, if we take the blinders off, we'll see life for what it is...a wonderful gift from God!  With all it's ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments, even on the worst days, it's still GOOD!

My gift to myself is to take time to 'smell' the changes.  Chances are, one fragrance is as pleasant as another.  If I resolve to look for the good, I will never be disappointed, for something good can come from every thing.

Mommie Dearest, even though I can no longer send you the special "Congratulations on your new baby girl" cards that I used to send on my birthday, even though I can't have the florist deliver the traditional bouquet to you on this very special day, I believe that you know how very happy I am.  I believe that my life is your bouquet.  I am dedicated to the blooms and buds that will bring you a sweet fragrance, wafting all the way to heaven's gates.  I'm in good hands now.  I'm healthy.  I'm happy.  And I am wonderfully blessed.