What a great weekend it has been for us! Family, friends, food AND fireworks!! Does it get any better than that?
And, as always, I was presented with the opportunity to learn a wonderful lesson from the "It's a Wonderful Life" series. Life at its best---everyday.
We actually had two firework shows---one on Sunday night and one on Monday night. They were both fantastic, as usual. But, it's the WAY they were fantastic that was so intriguing to me.
On Sunday night, it was time to go to the fireworks display festivities, but a sudden darkening of the clouds and the lightning in the distance cautioned a previously unpredicted storm was on the horizon. We feared the festivities might be 'called' for rain, but we headed our little caravan toward the designated sight anyway. We had just gotten our chairs set up when four-year-old Aidan began getting anxious about the exact timing of the commencement.
He was going from chair to chair, chattering and visiting with everyone. We all suggested that he might want to get settled in his spot so that he wouldn't miss a thing. The storm was gathering, but with it came a delightful, cool breeze---instantly softening the exhaustion from the 102 degree temperature of the afternoon.
Suddenly the dark sky flashed with light followed by a loud, "BOOM!" No, it wasn't the storm, the show was on. From that moment on, every eye was on the sky as every one of us waited expectantly for the next burst of brilliant color. And Aidan was interested! After each one, he would excitedly ask, "Is that the 'Boss?" We eventually reached the conclusion that he might be referring to the grand finale, which of course, was yet to come. So, we would all answer, "No, not yet." When a particularly large display erupted, he would exclaim, "Now, that's the Boss!" And then another one would explode until almost every subsequent display was grander than the one before it.
Eventually, inside his own little reasoning factory, he determined that somehow one could be greater than another, and he began to exclaim, "Wow! that was a Super-Boss!" And he was right. By the time the grand finale finally commenced, he was dancing with delight over the amount of "Super-Bosses" that could occur at once.
You might be wondering what happened to the storm. Well, as if on cue, it passed right over us, and even though our region needs the rain desperately, we all silently rejoiced that no one was dashing about madly trying to get to our vehicles.
And that got me to thinking...
Sometimes, we look around at the probable storm that is threatening our well-being, dashing our hopes and ruining our plans. When all we see is the 'mess,' we can surely miss the memory of the event.
Other times, we look for the 'Boss,' and never realize that there is something grander, just around the corner, maybe even the 'Super-Boss.' We are willing to settle for 'good,' when 'best' is within reach.
Don't let the hint of a storm spoil what's left of beautiful life. Don't see the 'mess' and miss the memory.
We were admonished to "let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Keep looking for the 'Boss,' and the 'Super-Boss' might show up, too! Now, that's what I call a wonderful life. All this, and heaven, too.